It Works! Fab Wrap


82 feet

Wrap your body in self-improvement with It Works! Fab Wrap.  A all in one soft, breathable wrap infused with hypoallergenic foam that contains ingredients designed to tighten, tone and firm the skin!  In this case, it’s okay to be clingy with It Works! Fab Wrap.

SKU: SKU 70102 Category:


Fab is the new black!

Wrap your body in self-improvement when you keep the Skinny Wrap™ in place with our comfortable, convenient Fab Wrap. Made from soft, breathable, hypoallergenic foam, this self-adhering Fab Wrap helps you see the greatest tightening, toning, and firming results! In this case, it’s okay to be clingy.

Features and Benefits

  • Keeps the Skinny Wrap firmly in place for maximum results
  • Self-clinging, soft, hypoallergenic foam material
  • 82 feet of Fab Wrap in every roll